
Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2012 angezeigt.

Elementarbuch des Zhineng Qigong

Lehrbuch von Dr. Pang Ming Aus der chinesischen Sprache übersetzt von: Ping Dietrich-Shi Sprache: deutsch Umfang: 114 Seiten Format A4 Inhalt: Übungen und Theorie in 5 Bereichen (Kapitel) Kapitel 1 Einführung Kapitel 2 Körperhaltung und Bewegungsabläufe Kapitel 3 Stufe 1, Übungen und Vertiefungen für: Das Qi Anheben und Ausgiessen Drei Zentren Verschmelzen Kapitel 4 Stufe 2, Übungen und Vertiefungen für: "Körper und Geist"-Methode und der Klopfmassage den Leitbahnen entlang. Kapitel 5 Heilung Tips von Detlef - Wie dieses Lehrbuch verwenden? Dieses Lehrbuch ist kein Anleitungsbuch zum Selbststudium. Lehrbücher sind zum Lernen. Man liest sie nicht wie einen Roman. Man löst die gestellten Aufgaben nacheinander. Ein Anfänger sollte die erklärenden Texte zu Beginn lesen. Danach die Stufe 1 mit Abbildungen lesen und betrachten  und diese üben. Kann man die Übung flüssig, will mehr wissen, sollte man  die Vertiefungen und ...

Liu Jianshe

I began practicing Zhineng Qigong in 1989 My destiny henceforth changed.  Qigong gave me a new life;  Qigong gives one hope,  gives people positive energy,  gives one inner happiness.  Qigong is an advanced life science;  Qigong helps us to feel good all the time.  Qigong's spring is coming!  

Wei Qifeng

I was born in 1973 in Gansu Province in northwest China.  I began learning qigong in middle school but was very unsettled and unsuccessfully sought out Daoist and Buddhist sages  to help me understand the purpose of my life.  Then in 1991 I learnt Zhineng Qigong and found inner peace  and a common community.  As soon as I was able, I did the three month training class at Huaxia. Then in 1993 began the two year training.  When I graduated in 1995 Pang La o shi wrote me  “nu li wei Zhineng Qigong shi ye feng dou; hunyuan ling tong”.  This means “put all your effort into spreading Zhineng Qigong”  and it has inspired me ever since.  In 1995 I began work as an editor at Huaxia,  where I usually led the morning and evening practice  of Huaxia staff  and was part of the small group used to teach new methods  as they were developed by Pang Laoshi.  In the beginning of 1999...

Dong Yu Lan

I was born in 1950. Since I met Qigong in 1991  I have not eaten regular food for 20 years  Just a few fruits.  I originally went to the Huaxia Centre  so that I could eat food again,   but teacher Pang always told me  not to worry about food or eating.  I wanted to get Information from teacher Pang  to be able to eat food again  But he did not give it to me!   So I had to keep going without eating!" During this time at the Huaxia Qigong Centre  Dong Yu Lan's super‐abilities as a healer became acknowledged.  She is able use x‐ray vision to see inside the body,  and transmit healing immediately.  Teacher Pang invited her to take part in Qigong Science Research  at the highest level, and this research was acknowledged by  the Government at that time.  "I enjoy doing distance healing by phone (in Chinese!)  and can also see i...