Wei Qifeng

I was born in 1973 in Gansu Province in northwest China. 
I began learning qigong in middle school but was very unsettled and unsuccessfully sought out Daoist and Buddhist sages 
to help me understand the purpose of my life. 

Then in 1991 I learnt Zhineng Qigong and found inner peace 
and a common community. 

As soon as I was able, I did the three month training class at Huaxia.
Then in 1993 began the two year training. 
When I graduated in 1995 Pang Laoshi wrote me 
“nu li wei Zhineng Qigong shi ye feng dou; hunyuan ling tong”.

 This means “put all your effort into spreading Zhineng Qigong” 
and it has inspired me ever since. 

In 1995 I began work as an editor at Huaxia, 
where I usually led the morning and evening practice 
of Huaxia staff 
and was part of the small group used to teach new methods 
as they were developed by Pang Laoshi. 

In the beginning of 1999 
I transferred to the No.3 Healing Department, 
which housed those patients unable to take part 
in the usual practice 
or who required hospital level care. 

I left Huaxia at the end of 1999 to work in the wider community. 
My dream is to help develop a centre 
where Zhineng Qigong friends all over the world 
can come together to research, study, practice 
and help spread Zhineng Qigong culture.


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